Wednesday 15 April 2009

Installing iDMC on Ubuntu-linux

After several requests about precise instructions on how to install iDMC on Ubuntu-linux, I finally decided to write down basic, generic instructions on how to do that. You can find it there.
It should work on any debian-based linux distribution.

Friday 11 July 2008

Released a minor new version of iDMC

As the title suggests, a minor new version of iDMC has been released. The version 2.0.10 can be download from here, and has the following changes w.r.t. version 2.0.9:
  1. fixed legend in Lyap.exp. map plot: 'NA' instead of 'divergent'
  2. fixed bug in trajectory initialization code
  3. misc internal code cleaning
  4. silent error message is reported when 'NaN' values on trajectory rendering
So, if you have some problems with trajectory plots, try out this new version.
Thanks to prof. M. Lines for suggesting point (1), and to prof. A. Medio for pointing out issue (2).

Friday 30 May 2008

Released idmclib 0.10.0

A new version of the idmclib has been released.
The API is backward compatible, so that any project using previous versions of the library can switch to this new release efforthlessy.

Beside the usual (minor) bug fixes, this release display some important changes:
  • added TCL bindings
  • added a new 'attractor' module
  • upgraded documentation
  • upgraded dependency on the 5.1.x series of the Lua library
As a demo of the capabilities of the new TCL bindings, a command line script which computes trajectories of discrete and continuous models has been added to the source distribution.
TCL bindings will allow much easier testing of old and new C code, and the eventual development of special purpose, cross-platform applications. In this respect, the Tk toolkit is also a valid option for prototyping GUIs around crude library functionalities.

The new attractor module has been added mostly for internal use, and provides data structures and methods for handling sets of arbitrary-dimensional points (which can be read, for instance, as 'attractors'), and lists of those lists of points.

Finally, some words on the Lua upgrade. Until version 0.9.0, the idmclib was based on the release 5.0.x of the Lua library. This was released on April 2003, and got last update on on 26 Jun 2006. Now development of series 5.0.x seems to be stalled, so the need to upgrade to the more recent release of the Lua library: 5.1.3. This new version has some interesting new features, is considerably easier to compile and, most important, is actively maintained.

Tuesday 13 May 2008

Models archive

A web space has been prepared for collecting iDMC models. Submission of models from all iDMC users is strongly encouraged.

To submit, send a message to the iDMC mailing list:
with the lua file attached and a link to model documentation (a related paper or at least a file with model description and typical initial and parameter values). Model files are made freely available to the public under the GPLv2 license.

Wednesday 16 April 2008

iDMC - version 2.0.9 released

iDMC version 2.0.9 has been released.
That version sees the core numerical idmclib upgraded to version 0.9.0 (which in turn fixes a serious numerical bug affecting computation of Lyapunov exponents on systems with no jacobian information).
Fixed also a minor bug affecting trajectory plot with manual chart bounds.

Monday 24 March 2008

iDMC - version 2.0.8 released

A minor new version of iDMC has been released (previous release was on 2/11/2007).
That fixes a regression introduced in 2.0.7, causing problems in handling trajectory plots of models with more than 2 dimensions, and uses a more recent version of the idmclib (0.8.0).

Thanks again, Marji, for pointing me the bug!

Monday 18 February 2008

RiDMC 0.9-0 released

Following the recent release of the 0.9.0 version of idmclib, RiDMC 0.9-0 has been released. As usual, platform independent sources and windows binary packages can be downloaded.

This version is more a development snapshot than a milestone release. However, there are some interesting changes:
  • upgraded idmclib to version 0.9.0
  • added some as.matrix methods (now all idmc_xxx classes have an as.matrix method)
  • fixed (many) bugs in Trajectory, TrajectoryList, LyapunpovExponents plotting functions
  • added detailed LUA syntax errors reporting