Saturday 24 November 2007

Released RiDMC 0.8-0

As already anticipated, I've released a new version of RiDMC, which now depends on idmclib-0.8.0. There are no important changes for the end user.

Packages sources and windows binaries can be downloaded here.

Friday 16 November 2007

Released a new version of idmclib

A new version of the idmclib (version 0.8.0) have just been released. You can grab it from the usual place.
This new version now depends on GSL version >= 1.9 (instead of 1.7).
This version of the GSL library finally have functions for the computation of eigenvalues of real nonsymmetric matrices. This frees idmclib from the need of Fortran LAPACK code for this specific task.

So, what does this means in practice?
To the end user of the idmclib library, nothing, except that now a different algorithm is used for jacobian eigenvalues computation in the periodic cycles routine.
For anyone who wants to compile idmclib on his platform, means that you don't need a fortran compiler anymore: CMake + gcc will be enough!

This change should facilitate redistribution of idmclib, and its use in other projects.
I'm already working on upgrading RiDMC to this new version of the idmclib. Then will be the turn of the stand-alone iDMC.

Friday 2 November 2007

iDMC - version 2.0.7 released

A minor new version of iDMC has been released.
For the end user, this fixes a bug pointed out by some Marji Lines students: in trajectory plots, when using the 'automatic bounds' option, you get an incorrect starting value in the plot.
Here an example with the Solow model (sample model in 'Economic' folder).
With 2.0.6 you get:
With 2.0.7: