Friday 22 June 2007

Static linux binary released

I've released the Linux static binary of iDMC-2.0.4, for i386, 32bit systems.

This has no external dependencies so, if you have Sun Java 6, you can run it by typing from a shell prompt:

tar xjf iDmc-2.0.4-linux-i386-32.tar.bz2
cd iDmc-2.0.4
java -jar iDmc-2.0.4.jar

As usual, you can download it from the downloads section.

Friday 15 June 2007

New BoA algorithm for idmclib and RiDMC

First of all, the news: idmclib-0.6.0 and RiDMC-0.6-0 released. They can be downloaded from the downloads section of the idmclib home page.

Special thanks to Marji Lines who, after trying out RiDMC-0.5-3, pointed out that there are interesting cases where the 'fast' BoA (Basins of Attraction) algorithm provided by idmclib simply doesn't work at all.

Following her suggestions, the slower (but sometimes more precise) algorithm already developed in the stand-alone version of iDMC has been added to the idmclib C library .

In brief, the main difference w.r.t. the faster algorithm is that there is a preliminary phase where all attractors are found, before actual plotting.

Now idmclib has a small set of new function dedicated to the new BoA algorithm, while the RiDMC package has been uppgraded accordingly, by adding 3 more options to the Basin R function. A nice example has been added to the Basin help page to illustrate this change. Have fun with it!

Monday 11 June 2007

RiDMC demo online

I've just put online a short demo of the (work-in-progress) RiDMC R package.
It's based on RiDMC version 0.5-3, which can be downloaded from the downloads section of the idmclib project website.

Note for non-windows users: for compiling RiDMC, you will need lua-5.0 and gsl-1.8 (or compatible) development libraries available on your system.